Friday, June 12, 2009

Impressive Lunchtime Display

Swoops charmed a large crowd today. AB Chronicle staff and others witnessed Swoops chase away an interloping Seagull, scoring a direct hit on said gull as far away as the 111 California Street atrium. A noble effort, truly. Also a smaller bird (possibly a starling) messed with the wrong bird and got pecked right off the block.

No pigeons have ever been reported to have been attacked.


  1. I was there at lunchtime today, took some video with my digital camera, and also got interviewed by Channel 7! Wowsers! Was mugged this morning by Swoops, I loved it! And got mugged again at lunch, saw him coming and ducked! I think that we are so amused by the littlest things and the crowds at lunchtime around California and Front Street are fabulous! We will be bored when the babies leave the nest!

  2. Can't wait for Swoops to train the youngin's on head pecking and evasion.

  3. Swoops chasing off the seagull today was my favorite part.

  4. In an effort to capitalize on the growing celebrity of Swoops, Hershey Chocolate announced today that they will be revitalizing the discontinued "Swoops" line of chocolates.

  5. All of the Beatles -- alive and dead -- have agreed to set aside their differences in order to record a Swoops tribute song. Tentative title: "Blackbird."

  6. No one ever made this big of a deal about my WNBA all-star career and numerous Olympic medals.

  7. BOOOOOOOO for all the new advertising! Exploiting the blackbird for profit -- shameful.

  8. Somebody should make up some "I've Been Swooped" buttons and hang out there and pass them out to victims LOL!!!!!!!!!

  9. To those looking to buy Swoops paraphenalia:

    Please only buy officially licensed Swoops merchandise -- such as the fashionable "Swoops Protective Helmet" or "Swoops Snuggie." 100% of our profits are going to set up a fund for Swoops when she inevitably beings suffering from her exhaustion due to her celebrity and/or empty nest syndrome.

  10. I hope ABC's ad revenues are going to Wildlife Rescue or something!

  11. Black(bird)sploitation.

  12. I visited SF a week ago and didn't know to meet Swoops :(

    I did, however, see Swoops' cousin later that week in Seattle. His cousin was busy chasing a homeless guy down the street. Didn't bother anyone else.

    Does Seattle hire birds to control loitering? Sounds like a good idea to me.

  13. Yikes, Swoops is even going after said gull. What next?
