Thursday, June 11, 2009

Double Attack from You Tube

Never turn your back on Swoops:


  1. I'm totally going to go visit Swoops next Monday and see if he chooses to pick on me :) Love him!

  2. Ugh, I got "Swooped" today... How did I not know about this guy till now!

  3. i live down in outer richmond and have been attacked by a bird (or 2) on the corner of fulton street and 48th, across the street from safeway. They've also attacked my roommates. i'm scared...

  4. We call him "The Black Mamba" of Front Street. Spectators beware......

  5. Hee hee... I watched the clip shown in live action... I love working here!

  6. Hahaha, that guy thought he was home free! :P

  7. We just saw another segment on CNN about Swoops! (This is in addition to Anderson Cooper last night.)

  8. I can watch everything from my perch up in EC2. I have a bird's eye view!

  9. I was there in the viewing crowd at 12:45 today and we all saw a beautiful triple hit, plus one quick sally to a head on the other side of the street.

  10. I can also confirm a triple-hit manuever against a white male photographer on Thursday @ 12:19PM. The assailant had approached the roost to snap photos before being repelled by Swoops.

    At approximately 1:20PM, a pigeon fluttered down to the sidewalk, possibly coming in contact with a pedestrian. The crowd gasped at the site believing the pigeons who roost above Swoops' canopy were joining the fray.

    FWIW - I didn't stand watching Swoops for an hour straight today. Sure, I could have, but there was a lunch meeting between the triple-hit and the pigeon scare.

    I'm leaving SF Friday. Hopefully I'll get to see Swoops again before I go. The last three days have been delightful.

  11. @Ryan - I don't think anyone would blame you if you had watched Swoops for an hour straight. Well, I wouldn't have...
