Monday, August 24, 2009

Cable Cars Come To A Halt. Tadich Grill Blamed!

Tadich Grill, one of the oldest restaurants in all of San Francisco, is blamed for filling the Financial District with smoke and bringing our very own cable cars to a halt this afternoon. Buses will be available to take stranded cable car riders to there desitinations. Please, no hanging off the side!

Planes Arrive On The Scene!

Planes have just arrived on scene. Water is being sprayed off the top of the building. Flames come and go. Smoke clears and then billows. Swoops' old haunt is back in the prime time.

Fire At Front Street And California

A fire broke out moments ago in immediate proximity to the corner of Front and California Street. Firemen are ascending the rooftop by ladder and their hoses are in full force. Policemen are standing on the corner attempting to secure the area and informing passersby. News crews are arriving in white vans. The smoke is raging black again. Rumors are it started from a kitchen fire.

Monday, August 3, 2009

San Francisco Magazine August, 2009 Edition Features Swoops

This month's "2009 Food Issue" of San Francisco Magazine paid tribute to the now 2009 San Francisco icon, Swoops. Swoops can be seen in full "direct hit" mode on pages 24 and 25 of the August edition of the magazine. Swoops is looking strong. One of his better shots. It is good to see him again!